Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Night of Firsts

The other night, to celebrate the arrival of two colleagues from our regional office in Amman, Jordan, I had my first meal in a Yemeni restaurant in Sana'a. This was a slightly different experience from the roadside joints I had eaten in last week in Haradh, up in the north. The food was different too, including the specialty of the house: a whole roasted fish.  It was a fun night, but the best part turned out to be getting home!

One of my colleagues suggested I take a 'debab' a local version of Kenya's 'matatu' or Ghana's 'tro tro'. It's essentially a minibus that runs a designated route. People jump on and off as needed, paying the driver a mere 40 rials for the ride (about 20 cents). This colleague seems a sensible man -- a medical doctor at that -- so I took his word for it when he said it would be fun and totally safe. Turns out he was right -- totally safe... No one batted an eyelid about me being in the van, the driver was pretty sane and I got home safe and sound and only 40 rials the poorer! Thanks Kemal!

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